Nassau County will be holding a community engagement opportunity next Tuesday. They will be hosting a presentation to the American Beach community at the American Beach Community Center on July 19th from 3-4pm. All residents are invited. At this time only the Burney Beach Park plan will be presented, although the other plans will be available for viewing.
There is a full unveiling of the draft preliminary concept plans later that evening – from 6-8pm at the Atlantic Recreation Center – where all seven park plans will be shown in an open house style event.
The design team has also taken into consideration the comments submitted via the survey (over 900 entries to date). If you would still like to fill out the survey, it will be open through July 31st (Take Survey HERE). The team hopes to gather community feedback on the proposed designs next week.
For those that cannot attend in-person, the boards will be posted digitally to the Miro site on July 20th. Comments, questions, and concerns can be recorded digitally; please see this previous blog post on how to use the Miro board.