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Letter from ABPOA President Concerning REDI Grant Letter & Zoom Meeting Information

October 24, 2024

RE: REDI Grant Letters

American Beach Property Owners:

Everyone should have either received a letter with their individualized sewer

connection assessments or have been personally contacted by US Water or the

plumbing contractor. Some have continued to express some confusion about the

letter and I wanted to have the opportunity to explain the general letter content.

I hope the points below will help clarify things:

Page 1:

  • Provides the contractors quote for your septic tank abandonment and sewer

    connection and is the first amount listed.

  • This is not an estimate and is the actual amount the contractor will bill the


  • The REDI Grant funds that apply to you are then subtracted from the quote amount.

  • The difference between those two amounts is the amount that you will owe

    to use the REDI Grant funds.

  • Most of the property owners will show a $0.00 Balance. This means you owe nothing if you agree to the abandonment and connection.

  • If your Balance line shows an amount, this is the amount you will have to pay in order to schedule the abandonment and connection with the credit of the REDI funds.

  • If you have a question about the amount you would owe, you may call the number provided [(904) 530-6010, Option 1] to ask your question. This question will be specific to your quote only and may not apply to another property owner’s quote. Your questions may result in a lower amount, so it is important to call if you have any questions,

  • No one is obligated to have the work done. If you choose not to have the work done using the REDI Grant funds, you may continue to use your current septic system.

  • If you choose to continue with your septic system, you can also continue routine maintenance which includes having the tank emptied. However, if your septic system malfunctions such that it does not meet code, it cannot be repaired and the REDI Grant funds will not be available to you for connecting to the sewer system. In order to get the REDI Grant credit, you must sign Page 1 and return the form as instructed.

Page 2:

  • This page provides the contractor’s estimate of any landscape work that may be needed after the abandonment and connection has been completed.

  • The work for the abandonment and connection will include filling the hole and restoring the ground to level it was before the work began and does not include any landscaping.

  • The estimate is just that and is not a firm amount. For instance, the estimate may include removing a shrub that was not removed once the work was completed. Because it is an estimate, Page 2 offers you the option of having them provide a quote to you after the abandonment and connection work is completed.

  • You may choose to accept or reject this quote once it is received.

  • You may choose to choose to get other quotes before you accept or reject the contractor’s quote.

  • There is no obligation to take the quote or pay ANY amount listed on Page 2 in order to sign up for the abandonment and connection using the REDI Grant funds. You only have to pay any amount listed on Page 1 in order to use the REDI Grant funds.

  • You should check your choice on Page 2, sign it and return that page also.

REMEMBER: You owe no money in connection with Page 2.

General Information:

  • At least 79 property owners must sign and return Page 1 in order for the REDI Grant funds to apply.

  • More than 79 property owners have a $0.00 Balance on Page 1 and will not have to pay any money to turn in their forms.

  • Any property owner that has a Balance on Page 1 is encouraged to call so that they understand what work that amount represents. It is possible to work with the contractor to reduce that amount.

I hope that most of your questions are answered.

If you have any more questions, I have scheduled a Zoom call on Sunday, October 27 at 6:00 pm. We will only be able to discuss general issues that apply to all property owners.

Any questions, amount your property or any amounts connected to your property should be directed to the County as listed above.

To join the Zoom Meeting please click this link:

Meeting ID: 491 745 6907



Janyce Dawkins

President, ABPOA


 American Beach Property Owners Association Inc.P.O. Box 6123 Fernandina Beach, FL 32035-6123

©2021 by American Beach Property Owners Association Inc.

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