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Last Chance! BOCC vote on Amelia Island Beach Front Parks Harmonization Plan, 12 September 2022.

4:00 pm Workshop

6:00 pm BOCC meeting

James S. Page Governmental Complex, 96135 Nassau Place

EDSA, Inc. will present their final draft plan for approval of the Beach Harmonization Conceptual Design Plan by the BOCC during the regularly scheduled meeting.

There is also a 4:00 PM Workshop: Presentations from EDSA Inc. on the Beach Harmonization Conceptual Design Plan and Walker Consultants on the Strategic Master Plan for Public Beach Parking and Access on Amelia Island.

The ABPOA Website News & Events item American Beach Neighborhood Planning (August 8th) has links to all of the plan.

(N.B. The portal for comments closed on September 7, 2022.)

There are a number of items in the final draft plan that will affect our community, including the following which were also addressed in the recent comprised the ABPOA member survey:

  1. Add a roundabout and pedestrian pathway to American Beach Community

  2. Introduce ROW parking along Burney Road (All survey respondents opposed this.)

  3. Reduce parking inside the park

  4. Add pavilions and play spaces inside the park

  5. Increase shade landscape at parking


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