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Evans' Rendezvous Community Workshop Presentation & Feedback November 4, 2023

Nassau County Planning Department has engaged Community Planning Collaborative, to assist in furthering planning conversations in the American Beach neighborhood. Current discussions are centered around the use and revitalization of Evans’ Rendezvous.

A meeting was held on Saturday, November 4 to begin discussions with the community about the use of the Evans’ building, two lots to the south, and the lots across the street.

The presentation from the meeting can be found on the ABPOA website in the AMERICAN BEACH NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING section

The community feedback offered at the meeting is below.

You can send comments to

Adrienne Burke Principal, Community Planning Collaborative

or to

Elizabeth Backe, Nassau County Planning Director.

The next meeting will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 11am at the American Beach Community Center.


Feedback received from people in attendance at the Evans’ Rendezvous meeting on 11/4/23

Potential uses/components of Evans’ Historic Park space (this includes the Evans’ building, two lots to the south of the building, and the three lots across Gregg Street):

  • Science and cultural center

    • Potential partnership with Florida A&M University or other partners

  • Space for writers and artists

  • Digital history exhibits

  • Wall or exhibit with historic imagery and replicas of historic materials/artifacts

  • Look at open space at NW corner of building for use

  • Lots to south of Evans’ building:

    • garden/meditation space - prior plans had been created for this

    • Place for seniors to enjoy the ocean without going on the beach

    • Historic bricks that County has kept to be used in this space

  • Parking on lots across Gregg Street instead of on the beach


  • That uses of building don’t negatively impact quality of life of residents in American Beach

  • Negative impact of weddings and larger events if used as an event space

  • That building is multi-use to ensure financial stability in the future


  • Identifying potential partners for fundraising and support

  • Look at example of Smithsonian African American Museum that has a cafe

  • Look at restoring building to as much of original architecture as possible

  • Consider Gregg and Lewis Streets “crossroads” discussion at same time as planning for Evans’

Things to look into for the next meeting on 12/2/23 based on audience questions:

  • Examples of County concession agreements (one example: A.L. Lewis Museum)

  • County parking requirements for potential uses

  • If County code violations exist on building to the north of Evans’

  • If new construction could occur on two lots to the south of the Evans’ building

  • Identify if old motel foundation still exists on south lots

    • State African American Cultural Heritage Grant

    • State grant limitations on changes to the interior of the building

  • Number of extensions state will grant

  • List of use limitations shared with the public and information available on the website

  • Input from people who could not attend the meeting


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