The following are a few excerpts from the plan. . .
The plan is intended to serve as a guide for the incremental implementation of resilient improvements to public beaches, trails, parks, natural areas, infrastructure, and other public spaces that enhance the American Beach Cultural Heritage Experience.
The final vision plan incorporates the priorities and preferences of American Beach residents, community members, stakeholders, as well as other on-going projects and planning efforts impacting American Beach.
The following needs and priorities were identified for American Beach in numerical order: 1. Pave streets and install sidewalks 2. Bury utility lines 3. Installation of public water and sewer and the continued sourcing of grants to minimize property owner’s cost for water & sewer installation and connections 4. Improve Evans Rendezvous 5. Support A.L. Lewis Museum and promote American Beach history 6. Create a sense of place
A common concern expressed by many community members throughout the process was to not turn the neighborhood into a tourist destination.
Recommendations in this final vision plan:
Installation of Public Water and Sanitary Sewer
Paving or Resurfacing of Roadways
Underground Utilities
Street Lighting in all streets except Price and Mary
Develop Evans Rendezvous (American Beach Historic Park) in consultation with the community
Support the A.L. Lewis Museum
Promote History using Historic Markers and rezoning acres to commercial
Activate Burney Park
Improve Burney Road
Install Public Art
The final vision plan can be found here.