This was the third meeting hosted by Community Planning Collaborative to gauge community wishes for the area around the intersection of Gregg and Lewis Streets.
The materials from the previous two meetings are available on our website under American Beach Neighborhood Planning and on the Nassau County website.
The August 24 meeting included:
A recap of Evans’ Rendezvous and Crossroads Planning Efforts to date
Follow Up on NaNa Dune Land Use and Zoning
Next Steps (see also below)
Community Discussion (see below)
Click on the image above or here for the presentation.
General discussion:
Add Julia Street to list of streets with no on-street parking.
Be proactive about putting park lands in conservation land use and making sure that any land use/zoning mismatches are fixed before any threats.
Relocating beach driving entrance to Burney Park still does not serve community. Be clear that community does not want this.
County needs to keep log of cars using the Lewis Street access (as per their ordinance). Believes majority of Beach drivers are not from county. Need to enforce current law which is not currently being done.
Water/sewer district should look into additional funding opportunities (lighting, underground utilities, etc.).
How can community address programming of events and groups renting Evans’ especially those that are antithesis of what American Beach stands for historically and today? County can't say no to groups. Perhaps Evans should be privately owned one day. Can community priority be given to reserve the space?
Lewis Street was the only place Black people could access the ocean prior to desegregation. Access is now a major environmental issue.
We are here to preserve the Black history of American Beach. There are national grants available to preserve our history. Understand that this community was made up of the backs that built the community when people couldn't live elsewhere. American Beach is 90 years of surviving in Nassau County. Speeding in neighborhood needs to stop. History is #1!
Idea for BIPOC art studios. Discussion about artists that are already in the community. Ms. McCray’s quilts are in the Cummer museum.Quilts are done to promote American Beach history.
Beach parking context has changed. Remember this.
Driving on Beach prevents preservation and dune restoration. Area is at greater risk to hurricanes.
Stress...stop beach driving at American Beach. This is the only residential area in the County where people can drive on the beach. Not saying stop Beach driving countywide. Issue gets worse for American Beach as County grows.
American Beach is also in the Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor. American Beach is a significant cultural heritage site on the south end of the corridor. History here is more than post-1935 American Beach story.
Property owner lots extend into water line but local and state law changed this and essentially took people’s land.
Review state laws about beach driving and ability of County to change their local dispensation for beach driving with supermajority vote.
Next Steps (in addition to those in the powerpoint):
CPC to make final report and summary of work. This will be shared with the community.
If there is a final presentation to the BOCC, CPC will let the community know.
National Park Service is working on National Historic Landmark request for proposals for American Beach, so that project is forthcoming.
NaNa Dune land use/zoning change is forthcoming. County has hired planning consultant to assist because there are unique circumstances with the existing Osprey Village PUD and boundaries need to be clarified. Community will be kept informed on progress.
Please direct any comments or questions to:
Read more about Community Planning Collaborative on their website